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Lo de Marcos Tianguis Update November 11, 2021

Posted by AdminGalvan on November 11, 2021

We posted on this a while ago but it bears the need to be reposted.

The Tianguis that was created in Lo de Marcos was a one of kind and we were told one of the best in the Banderas Bay!

We have decided to skip the organization of this seasons Tianguis Lo de Marcos that took place at the Tianguis Yard every Saturday from 9 am to 2 pm due primarily to the following rationale–

**We do not feel there will be enough tourists in town to support our wonderful Vendors and that weekly many of them would lose money to attend the event. This could become cyclical in that if the vendors don’t make $$$ they stop coming and if they stop coming, the number of attendees will reduce and so on.

**Rising costs everywhere would mean we would even have to increase the booth fee and possibly look at charging an attendance fee.

So, with these major things looming in our minds the team at Galvan Real Estate and Services, who are the Producers of the Tianguis made the heart wrenching decision not to produce a Tianguis this season.

However we love the spirit of community that the Tianguis brought to Lo de Marcos so we have decided to consolidate our efforts into three fundraising events that will each include our signature blend of Artisans, Food Vendors and Live Music!

We are pleased to announce our events for the season will be –

** Taste of Lo de Marcos – Sunday, February 20th

** Chili Cook-off – Sunday, March 6th

** Beer Fest – Sunday, April 3rd

If you would like to participate in one, two or all of these events, please send us a DM or come into the office. You can also email us at

Thank you for all of your interest and your support. Together we will not only survive the 2021/2022 Season but we will emerge at the end stronger and still together.

Armando and the Team at Galvan Real Estate And Services

We are Life Changers!

2 thoughts on “Lo de Marcos Tianguis Update November 11, 2021

  • wisteria wildwood
    on November 13, 2021

    the tienga was muy bien,,sad, with these times, we are in,,,I pray the vendors and artisans can keep their heads above water, so to speak, and hang in with local support,,,I look forward to returning to L.D.M and help support locals, best I can,,,muy bonito pueblo,,bonito personas..

  • wisteria wildwood
    on November 16, 2021

    love L.D.M. tiengiea,pardon mi muy pocito espanoel,,,missing, loving the whole vibe of pueblo, will be coming back asap, but, hopefully,as a resident, not a tourist love the people, etc of this special place

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