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Posted by AdminGalvan on January 10, 2018

North of Puerto Vallarta in the Riviera Nayarit is a pueblo that has found the perfect balance between old & new and Mexican & Foreign. This is a place that reminds you and makes you feel like you are in Mexico and yet comfortable in your native tongue from back home. Walking through the village you will hear multiple languages from around the globe. This is because San Pancho has been found by those wishing to get away from the throngs of tourists and yet receive every service desired.

San Pancho RuinsSan Pancho is the loving name for San Francisco. This is a planned community in that the streets are laid out in a logical manner. The original design was to include factories which did not come to fruition. Thankfully the spaces were adopted by organizations that more mirror todays wishes and needs which include a gym and eco-friendly learning center named Entre-Amigos.


There are many towns up and down the Pacific coast but… none can boast the angle that makes for the most spectacular sunsets on earth. So fabulous is this location that people come from all around just to watch the sunset. Business stops in San Pancho each evening at sunset as most people stroll to the beach to see a most wonderful daily light show.

Many people photograph this daily delight and one of the best to capture the multicolor is San Pancho´s own Earl Miller. He runs Roberto’s Bungalows, however… come sunset you will see Earl at the water’s edge taking in each days miracle as the sun sizzles into the sea.

La PatronaSan Pancho has become the desired home of many retirees due to the many services available including a full sized hospital. Those in need of an eventful evening can attend a Polo match at La Patrona Polo Field. Other evenings there are delectable delights available at the many restaurants owned and run by chefs from near and far.

If it is music you desire there are often live musicians performing at different restaurants. Once a year there is music festival that that is not to be missed. Surfers flock to San Pancho for the good waves and occasional competitions. There is enough room for short boards, long boards, boogie boards, standup paddle boards and skip boards.


What you want is available in San Pancho. Fishing, swimming, hiking, bird watching, snorkeling, boating, hiking, horseback riding are just a few of the activities. Just a short ride away are jungle adventures, tropical orchid gardens and when you really need to get crazy there is always Puerto Vallarta up the road.

turtle-release-in-san-panchoFrom Condominiums to Villas and Hotels to Hostels, there is a place for everyone. Some choose to camp on the beach. Be sure to check out the tide so there are no surprises in the middle of the night. In July and August the turtles lay their eggs and then the newborns are released 45 days later.

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